We are delighted to announce that Dràma na Gàidhlig: Ceud Bliadhna air an Àrd-ùrlar / A Century of Gaelic Drama, edited by Michelle Macleod, has won the Donald Meek Prize for Best Non-fiction Book at the Gaelic Literature Awards 2021.
At the awards ceremony, which took place online, Michelle Macleod said:
‘Tha mi glè thoilichte sin a chluinntinn! Chan ann dìreach dhomh fhìn ach cuideachd airson dràma agus a h-uile duine a tha an sàs ann an dràma Gàidhlig. Anns an linn seo agus an tè mu dheireadh, tha iad air obair iongantach a dhèanamh agus tha mi an dòchas gu bheil seo a ’toirt dhaibh, agus an cruth ealain seo, an aithne a tha iad airidh air. Tha mi air mo dhòigh! Bu mhath leam taing a thoirt dha na sgrìobhadairean aig a bheil obair anns an leabhar agus dhaibhsan aig nach eil an obair san leabhar; na cleasaichean, na stiùirichean a bha ag obair air na dealbhan-cluiche seo agus gu sònraichte dha ASLS a dh ’fhoillsich an leabhar agus a thug taic dhomh fhad‘ s a bha mi ga chuir ri chèile’.
‘I’m very happy to hear that! Not just for myself but also for drama and everyone who is involved in Gaelic drama. In this century and the last, they have done amazing work and I hope that this gives them, and this art form, the recognition they deserve. I’m delighted! I would like to thank the writers whose work features in the book and those whose work is not in the book; the actors, the directors who worked on these plays and especially to ASLS who published the book and supported me while I was putting it together’.
Congratulations, Michelle!
To buy a copy of Dràma na Gàidhlig, visit our bookshop.